Sunday 2 March 2014

NME Music magazine double page spread

The title of this image much like all double page spreads are set out largely so that people are able to see what the main topic of the double page spread is about. However there is a difference between this music magazine and other music magazines. This being that the title is partly covered up. This is something that many music magazine COVERS use. However as the title is the name of a famous "raper", part of the name is able to be covered as people can guess who the star is due to the name, and the image itself.

The image centered in the middle is different to what other music magazines do. Other magazines tend to place their image on the left side of the page. However with this, they have chosen to place the image in the center and then went onto placing the text around of the edges of this. This can explain that the text that is written is aimed around the image-Nick Minaj. This is pretty much the layout of the double page spread, the image being in the center with the text being laid around it. The texts that are written around the ages of the image are displayed in a column layout. This allowing more text to be displayed and written.

Fonts that are used do not express in such a large manor, but however it sits cleanly onto the background color (pink). The text type is used like this so that its not too fancy for the readers to read and gives a more of a theme to inform than to entertain.

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