Monday 13 January 2014

Research of fonts to use in magazine

Bebas Neue: This type of font is very clear, bold and easy to read. This being a positive thing because I am informing people about certain music genres. However it is very plain and not exactly be interesting enough to fit the music magazine genre.

Dolce Vita: I feel like this font is very good due to it being very interesting, along with it being bold is like having to positives for one. Having the mix types of letter angles makes the writing font very good and most likely the one I will use. The look of the font also seems very fitting for the sense of the music magazine.

TimeBurner: This looks a lot like the Dolce Vita and also looks just as good. The design is quite slim, but bold as well. Quite a suitable type of font for the music magazine.
Moiser: Being a bolder font than the other fonts that I have found , this seems to be attractive. But also this font may seem too thick to use when writing in a large amount, and in a compact space. And therefore would better be used in a title, or a subheading.

This font being very “vertical” and the looking of the font does not appeal greatly to the music magazine I am planning to design. Also the font looks fairly feminine and therefore not exactly appealing for the looks in a magazine referring to a rock band.

Magazine Layout

Music Magazine Analysis

The colours that are used in this front cover of the music magazine Blender have been particularly used to bring the main attraction to the image of Katy Perry, and the bold text that is used. The purpose of having the background set as white is so that, the title in the set colour of black will be projected out to the viewers who walk past and see that magazine in store shelves.

The positioning of which the image is placed is central of the cover. This is used many times throughout other music magazines that are seen out on shelves. With this, it leaves room round the outside of the image to give fine detail to the contents of the magazine, to try and entice viewers of the magazine to pick it up and buy it.

Fonts that are also used in this range in different sizes. This is a way in which guides the viewer’s eyes around the page. The larger the font of writing, the quicker the viewer sees it. Obviously having the title largest to show the viewer which magazine company has made this. Fonts are put into 2 main colours. Black being bold and standing out in front of the white back ground. Then pink to show key words of the different topics of the cover. For example of reading out the full name of “Katy Perry”, they put “Perry” in a bright pink colour, meaning that the viewer will only need to glance at the magazine to  see that there is a part of this magazine that talks about Katy Perry.
The way in which the head partially covers the tittle indicates that “Blender” is a well-known type of music magazine, and that its well-known enough that the title doesn’t need to be completely seen to recognize which music magazine this is.

Music Magazine Cover Analysis

In this particular music magazine issued by “Fuse”, we can see that the main focus is on the face of the women. This facial image on the front cover instantly tells the reader that this person will be featured quite largely in the contents of the magazine. It’s a quick, easy way to explain to the reader of who/what will be features largely in the magazine.

The main colour of this cover is obviously and orange mixed red colour. This being the hair colour of the women being featured. The font is then mixed with this by using a type of white stencil. Letting the background, be the text of font that is being used as it bleeds through the stencil that is being used as a form of text surrounding the image.

The layout of this which is used is seen to be much uncluttered. You can see in other music magazine covers that the cover is very full of text surrounding the whole image, trying to give out as much info as possible on the front cover. In some thoughts of minds, this can be unattractive and seem too much. However doing it like this, shows that they are giving out the information that the reader needs to know if they would like to read this magazine.

Music Magazine Questionaire

Music Magazine Questionnaire

1)    Age- 33

Gender- Female

Fav. genre of Music- Pop

What do you look for in a magazine- Contents of the magazine

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- No more then £5.00

2)    Age- 18

Gender- Male

Fav. genre of Music- Rock

What do you look for in a magazine- Appearance of it (Main cover showing contents)

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- £3.99

3)    Age- 16

Gender- Male

Fav. genre of Music- Heavy metal

What do you look for in a magazine- My favourite bands

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- £2.99

4)    Age- 20

Gender- Male

Fav. genre of Music- Any

What do you look for in a magazine- Total contents, interest on the bands in the magazine

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- £7.00

5)    Age- 16

Gender- Female

Fav. genre of Music- Pop

What do you look for in a magazine- Boybands

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- Depends on the magazine.

6)    Age- 16

Gender- Female

Fav. genre of Music- Indie

What do you look for in a magazine- Price

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- £2.50

7)    Age- 17

Gender- Male

Fav. genre of Music- Anything

What do you look for in a magazine- Appearance, if I like the look of the contents and cover, then I’ll get it.

 Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- £4.99

8)    Age- 22

Gender- Male

Fav. genre of Music- Classical

What do you look for in a magazine- My favourite composures

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- Depends what the magazine is.

9)    Age- 12

Gender- Male

Fav. genre of Music- Rap

What do you look for in a magazine- Appearance

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- £2.99

10)                       Age- 15

Gender- Male

Fav. genre of Music- Light Rock

What do you look for in a magazine- Price

Do you regularly buy any genre of music magazine- Yes

How much would you pay for a typical music magazine- £4.99

Q- Lady GaGa double page spread

Q” Music Magazine

Title: The title on this page is not exactly seen easily. The only form of a title that you can see from this page is in the top right hand corner. This may be because of the reasons that Lady gaga is a well-known famous singer/artist, and that the large image of her on the left hand side, is enough to be a title for itself. That the image tells the reader who this article is about before they even start reading.

Layout: This layout is a very simple type of design that is made. With the normal large image on the left hand side, It gives a whole page spread for the reader to read about the article in which is being spoke about. In a small font as well means that the reader will get a large amount of information from it, even so that they image is taking up one of the two pages in the double spread. The main design of this and interest of the page spread is the large “L” covering one side of the magazine spread. This is the lettering of Lady Gaga, and having the large “L” follows the theme of the Q magazine.

The Article: Looking at the article we can instantly see that there is a large amount of depth that goes into the article of the Lady Gaga. Even so we can’t read the text; we can still get in mind the large amount of text that is written in this article.

Images: The image that is used in this double page spread is of Lady Gaga herself. This sets the topic of what the article will be about, and that we can clearly see it’s her as she is taking up the whole of the left side of the page. The image is displayed in a monochromatic layout and therefore plays with the red lettering on the opposite side of the page.



Rolling Stone Magazine Double Spread Analysis

Rolling Stone

Title: The title that is used in this magazine is large, bold and tells the reader instantly about what/who this is about. The size of the title means that as soon as the reader comes along to the page, they will be instantly attracted to this bold title that will inform them about the following article. The colour of the title that is used is kept along the lines of what the image colour is. This being a monochromatic theme and staying bold so that the reader doesn’t get distracted by anything else. The article is wrote in what seems to look like the “times new roman” that is seen as a bold plain font type. This can be seen to be used as its bold and clear, simple for the reader to read and not have any little troubles reading some fancy type of text. Underneath the title there is a small type of subheading that goes onto explaining more about what the article is about, to give more depth onto it. Being a smaller size, means that it indicates the importance of the titles. The main one being the biggest, being underlined with a smaller type of font (subheading) and then after this, it is followed by the article itself. Being a small/smallest font shows the reader where the article starts of due to the clump of the small text.

Layout: The layout of the article is quite tightly compact. The image on the right, takes up a large amount of the double page spread that is shown. It can be said that the article or the text on the left hand side is very cluttered and compact. The image taking over the right side of the page, and that the title itself takes up the top left of the page as well. This leaving a little place for the article to be placed. The type of font that is used in the layout sticks firmly to the font that is used throughout the music magazine of the Rolling Stones.

The article: The article that is wrote about Adele and the music that she has. This is an article that actually informs the reader about the person and the music rather than some article what tells them what they have been up to, like going to the shops or something. This type of article in my eyes is more appealing because it actually gives interesting facts and research that has been found about the singer, rather than boring day to day things.

Images: The double page spread of the article only has just the one photograph which is very large covering most of the page. On most article pages in music magazines the image is normally kept to one side of the page, but however this one it takes up much more, and causing the text to mould around the images so that it doesn’t overlap each other.

Language: The language of this article is very formal and more of which you would find in a biographical study about someone. In some which type of language you would find on a wiki page.